copyright © špela škulj
Away they go / Grejo, 2011

Analog color photographs, digital print on archival paper, edition of 5 / Analogne barvne fotografije, digitalni print na arhivski papir, edicija 5

The series Away they go is a way of detachment from the familiar through the process of visual representation. Through the process of taking photographs of known places, daily routines and especially loved ones, I detach from all of them as they became objects in my photographs.

The photographs were taken during the last summer I spent in Slovenia, before leaving for China and Asia for an extended period of time. It is not bitterness or sadness that I wanted to capture, but the unique moments that are a part of that specific place and also my unquietness and travel rush before leaving.

The series stand as a prologue, as the first part of travelling: the time of leaving.


Serija Away they go je poskus razstapljanja vezi preko vizialne reprezentacije. Skozi fotografiranje znanih krajev, vsakodnevnih rutin in še posebej ljubljenih, ki postajajo objekti na fotografijah, se ločujem od vsega znanega.

Fotografije so bile posnete v zadnjem poletju, ki sem ga preživel v Sloveniji, preden sem za dalj časa odšla na Kitajsko in Azijo. Nisem želela ujeti grenkobe ali žalosti, ampak edinstvene trenutke, ki so del specifičnega kraja ter svojo lastno nelagodnost in potovalno mrzlico pred odhodom.

Serija stoji kot prolog, kot prvi del potovanja: čas odhoda.